SE.S.TA - Centre for Choreographic Developement
International Festival of Contemporary Dance Korespondance 2012

The interactive lecture will open the whole festival KoresponDance 2012 (27/11 – 4/12/2012, Prague and Brno).

Post Moderne Dance Today – Easy
Foto: archiv

An interactive lecture by Martha Moore
on Post Modern Dance dnes

Archa Theatre
27. 11. 2012, 8.30 pm

Why focus on Post Modern Dance? Because it is exactly in this era (the 1970s in the USA) that artists started to ask crucial questions concerning the concepts of contemporary arts. If we ask ourselves these very questions today we can discover new ways of approaching contemporary arts as it is created in present.

Do you wonder what an interactive lecture is? It is a lecture to be listened to, to be tasted and to be experienced in motion... Open to all regardless of age, experience or profession. Recommended to all!

  • Tickets: 150 CZK / students 80 CZK


Martha Moore (USA)CV

Dancer, choreographer and artistic director of the group Pénélopes. Her work is characteristic with large portions of humour. On the other hand, the lecture will be held in academic style. Martha Moore was in close contact with the first activists of Post Modern Dance in the USA. Still today her experience, her culture and encounters with diverse artists motivate her to ask herself questions from the era. Besides her choreographic activities she is also active in reconstructing Post Modern Dance “events” in France: first she started with the quartet Knust, later she was involved for example in events of Steve Paxton's held at the Centre Pompidou in Paris.