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Jean Gaudin (FR), Tomeo Verges (ES), Jean-Christophe Paré (FR)

Date of event23th - 31st August 2018 |  Place of eventPrague

International choreographic residencies under the guidance of experimented and world-renowned coaches. We are currently accepting applications for the eleventh year.

About the project

Choreographers come to the residencies with their own projects which they want to develop during the stay in cooperation with an experienced artist ("coach"). The goal of the residence is not forming of dancers, nor the aesthetic aspect of the expression, but gaining new points of view on own creative work, space and possibility to deepen its individual elements or to seek new ways of expressing artistic intention. The whole residence has the form of a dialogue of choreographers and coaches who direct them.

The participating choreographers use as material for work within the residence projects they currently work on. The coaches will see the initial material on a previously sent video so that they could get to understand the choreographers' inner worlds and their ways of perception. During the residence, the participants analyze individual elements of the choreographies and define their content. In cooperation with their coaches they again identify the important things and new directions for development.

The residence take ten days and apart from intensive coaching of the choreographers it also included lecture afternoon and final Work in progress, presentations of the working process in the residence to public. The goal od Work in progress is not to present a final product or an individual choreography, but a stage of the creative process.

You can read more about the tenth year of the Residency in the enclosed summary. 

Artistic coaching during residential workshops brings participants a shift in thinking about artistic creation and its process.



Practical information:

We offer:

Dance studio of sufficient capacity for their interpreters
Supervision of a professional coach
Peer-to-peer cooperation with other choreographers
Constructive discussion and feedback
Conferences and lectures by experts from various fields
DVD records of the work of progress
Meeting with the audience
International networking
Sharing know-how and possibilities leading to actual results
Half of the Travel costs covered
Help with finding an affordable accommodation (we do not cover accommodation costs)

Workshop Fee: 150 EUR (the cost of accommodation is not included)



Jean Gaudin

Jean Gaudin Životopis

After having the opportunity to work with such personalities as Maurice Béjart and Carolyn Carlson, he presented his first choreography in 1978 at Bagnolet and decided to found his own company a year later. In his choreographic work he focuses on merging diverse means of artistic expression [ ]

Jean-Christophe Paré

Jean-Christophe Paré Životopis

Jean-Christophe Paré graduated into the Paris Opera Ballet in 1976 and was promoted to First Soloist in 1982. For a number of years before and after 1982 he was a member of the Paris Opera’s experimental dance group Groupe de Recherche de l’Opera de Paris (GRCOP). He left the Paris Opera to work with various contemporary French choreographers, such as D. Larrieu, R. Chopinot, F. Verret, A. Degroat, and to concentrate on his own choreography (he has created more than fifteen works to date). He has worked extensively with Wilfred Piollet and Jean Guizerix, former stars of the Paris Opera Ballet who take a very progressive approach to contemporary dance creation. In addition to collaborative work as a dancer and choreographer, he also works closely with the dance analyst Odile Rouquet in the field of research in movement. He is regularly invited to teach at various conservatoires, universities and high schools in France and abroad. In 1990 he became director of the National Centre of Contemporary Dance in Angers and then inspector of dance for the French Ministry of Culture, even later then director of the National Dance School in Marseille. He introduced new curricula at universities and high schools including choreographic analysis and coaching. He is invited by SE.S.TA each year since 1999 to teach in Prague. [ ]

Tomeo Verges

Tomeo Verges Životopis

[ ]


Send your application form including CV and project description at the latest 13. 5. 2018 at zuzana.zabkova@se-s-ta.cz. 


Obligatory attachment

Together with the application send a DVD or link to a video of your choreography, from which you will come out on the residency, you can also attach samples of your previous work. The show should take about 15 minutes.

You can specify the name of the coach you would like to work with during your stay. We will endeavor to meet your demands.


Ministry od Culture CR, Capital City Prague

In cooperation with Studio Alta, National Gallery in Prague, HAMU

More info


Zatančete si pod taktovkou Jeana Gaudina, Jeanem-Christopha Paré či Bushe Hartshorna. Letní ranní tréninky s kouči mezinárodní rezidence pro choreografy s koučinkem jsou otevřené pro všechny zájemce a není třeba si na nich rezervovat místo.


Kulatý stůl je platforma pro reflexi a sdílení různorodých pohledů, podporuje přemítání profesionálů s nejširším publikem, konfrontaci praktického bádaní choreografů a pedagogů s jinými obory. Kulatý stůl: Rezidence pro choreografy s koučinkem je otevřená diskuse s kouči, účastníky rezidence a dalšími hosty na témata, která se dle vývoje práce na rezidenci rozvinou.


Cyklus Tanec v galerii charakterizuje interdisciplinární spolupráce mezi tancem a výtvarným uměním, kdy má návštěvník příležitost nahlédnout na výtvarná díla nově a prostřednictvím nezvyklých výrazových prostředků. Tanec v galerii v rámci Rezidenc epro choreografy s koučinkem pak přináší možnost zhlédnout work in progress účastníků etablované mezinárodní rezidence, kteří deset dní pracovali v Praze se zahraničními kouči na svých vlastních projektech.


Rezidence pro choreografy s koučinkem je prestižním projektem SESTA. Každoročně přijíždí do Prahy renomovaní zahraniční umělci – kouči a pracují s vybranými mladými choreografy z celého světa na rozvoji jejich tvorby. Rezidence je mezinárodně etablovaná a mimo jiné pomáhá českým choreografům prosadit se i mimo republiku. Každoročně vznikají na rezidenci jedinečné projekty českých a zahraničních umělců. Na závěr rezidence proběhne tradiční prezentace, která je obzvláště u zahraničních účastníků pravděpodobně jedinou příležitostí vidět jejich práci v Česku.


Mezinárodní mezioborvá rezidence v zámeckém areálu Žďár nad Sázavou. 


SE.S.TA is the founder of
Contemporary dance
festival KoresponDance
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Ministery of Culture CR City of Prague