Atlas Fantasy is a European adventure that started up as a part of the KoresponDance Europe project. Atlas Fantasy enabled vivid encounters and creative alliances in between Slovakia, Czech Republic, Romania, Germany and France. Bratislava has become a heart of this exchange, a bit chaotic and turbulent for all of us.
Photo: Veronika MangaThe creation of Atlas Fantasy had started on an unknown ground. First baroque steps of these two young performers that were open to new approach have originated under the light of vigour and humour. We have intentionally brought the baroque dance closer to contemporary world.
Two bodies sometimes rooted, sometimes floating, spinning between heaven and earth in the world full of imbalance and locomotion. Friendly winks towards a baroque statue erase benchmarks and create an illusion of a moment somewhere in the midst of the past and the presence.
We would like to thank Irina Čierniková for the support and help, as well as the Dance Department of the Academy of Performing Arts in Bratislava.
Creation of the performance was supported in the frame of KoresponDance Europe project by the Ministry of Culture and Tourism of SR and by the CULTURE - EU Program for Education and Culture.
After dancing in several contemporary dance companies such as the Susan Buirge Company, Béatrice Massin meets Francine Lancelot in 1983 and joins her dance company, Ris & Danceries. Baroque language appropriation process immediately starts after this encounter. It is the discovery of the choreographic writing and its stage codes that defines, for Béatrice Massin, a framework whose limits she always plays with. As part of Ris & Danceries, she is successively interpreter, Francine Lancelot’s assistant (Atys, 1986), artistic collaborator (Fairy Queen, 1989; etc.), choreographer (Water Music, 1990), before creating her own dance company in 1993, Fêtes galantes. From then on, she surrounds herself with a collaborative staff for her creations, and she associates them to her researches. Today, Béatrice Massin interferes as a specialist in baroque dance. She has regularly been commissioned (Le roi danse, a Gérard Corbiau film, 1999; La Parade baroque, Dance National Center (CND) official opening, 2004; Le loup et l’agneau, as part of Les Fables à La Fontaine project, La Petite Fabrique, 2004) and trains a new generation of dancers and choreographers within the framework of L’Atelier baroque, created in 2003.
26. 11. 2010 / dom T&D/elledanse / Bratislava (SK)