Contemporary Dance Encounters presents:

Dance Residency – coaching choreographers

26th–31st October 2009
Part of the project KoresponDance Europe

Invited artists:

Jean-Christophe Paré (FR), Dominique Boivin (FR), Béatrice Massin (FR)

This year‘s residency

Will be devoted to choreographers and performers. Morning classes are also open to other dancers and pedagogues. In the framework of the project KoresponDance Europe, the participation of choreographers from Slovakia, France and Germany will also be supported.
As part of the DanseLabA3 project, three residencies in coaching choreographers were realised in Bratislava, then in Prague. The aim of these residencies is neither to mould dancers nor the aesthetic aspect of their performance. The aim is to open for choreographers, new pathways for exploration and growth in the profundity of current elements, based on their own work. The whole residency is conceived as a dialogue between choreographers and the artists who will guide them in their work: („coaching“).:
Jean Christophe Paré, Dominique Boivin a Béatrice Massin.


The participating choreographers should create something specifically for the residency, or bring a short extract of their own, existing work (a maximum of 15 minutes). This will provide a basis on which to build, throughout the working process of the residency. The material on which work during the residency will be based, will be seen by Jean Christophe Paré, Dominique Boivin and Béatrice Massin in advance, in recorded, visual format, so that the inner worlds of all choreographers can be introduced to them prior to the start of the workshop, and choreographers’ perceptions understood.
During the residency, the participants will analyse individual elements of choreography, and will attempt to denominate their content. In cooperation with their coach, they endeavour to identify what is most significant in the content, and what can be developed etc. The results of this work will provide the subject material for a public presentation of work in progress. The aim is not to present a finished product, an independent piece, but rather a stage in the creative process.



Practical informations


pls attach your. Curriculum vitae, and mail to:
COMPULSORY – by 30th Sept is necessary to send an visual, recorded extract of a finished piece of choreography, which the choreographer will use as a starting point at the coaching residency. If desired, it may be an extract of earlier work.
You may specify the name of the coach with whom you wish to work during the residency. We will endeavour to cater for your preferences as far as possible.

Adress: SE.S.TA – Pod Kaštany 8, 160 00 Prague 6, Czech Republic
More information

The Coaching Residency 2009 was supported by

The Programme EU Culture 2007-2013, the Czech Ministery of Culture, the City of Prague,
The French Institute in Prague, Culturesfrance In cooperation with Alfréd ve Dvoře Theatre, HAMU, Alt@rt, DDM Pod Juliskou and Tyršův dům.

Thank You

Complete programme of the KoresponDance Europe festival: performances, workshops
Workshops, coaching
Residency and Mentorship