The goal of the Coaching Residencies is to guide and support the artistic work of emerging choreographers and to navigate them in reflection of their initiated projects. The Residencies act also as a platform establishing a discourse in the field of contemporary dance, art and life echoing the Czech and international dance and art scene.
The objective of the Residencies is not aiming to form professional dancers, nor to direct aesthetic aspect of the expression. Rather it wants to encourage the invention or reinvention of variable modes of choreographic work and to boost the research of unusual ways of expressing artistic intention. The Coaching Residencies have a form of a dialogue between emerging choreographers and hosting coaches who guide them in their artistic work.
The Coaching Residencies last ten days and apart from intensive tutoring of the choreographers it includes lectures and everyday feedback sessions, common discussions and mutual presentations of the artistic processes in the frame of open rehearsals and public presentations. Both the public presentations and common discussions offer artists the possibility to confront and share their work with their potential audience.
22.–29. 8. Open class
25. 8. Round table
28. 8. Work in Progress ina National Gallery Prague
29. 8. Work in Progress in Studio ALTA
Participants 2019
/ Elena Iachininoto (NL)/ Johana Pocková, Pocketart (CZ)/ Laura Brechmann, with Collaborators: Marlene Ruther, Giulio Hesse (DE)/ Tomáš Janypka (SK/CZ)/ Sara Bocchini (IT)
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