Danced installation within the exhibition Restless figures

Nadine Beaulieu (FR)

, 22. 5. 2016 at 15:30 and 18:00
19. 5. 2016 at 18:00

The dance installation of the French choreographer Nadine Beaulieu (FR), held in the framework of the accompanying program to the exhibition THE RESTLESS FIGURE: EXPRESSION IN CZECH SCULPTURE 1880–1914 in Prague City Gallery.

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…or how we can feel and understand sculpture threw movement. Movement of ideas, movement of material, movement of human bodies.A unique moment to encounter differently the richness of the Czech sculpture at the begginning of the turn of the 20th century, and to be mooved.A unique moment to confrontate the dancing body and it perception of the world and the aims of the sculptures such as Bilek, Myslbeck, Kafka, but also their collegues from France: Bourdel, Rodin…En encouter between France and Bohemia, between sculture and dance thanks to the choreographical team leaded by the French artist Nadine Beaulieu.A way to stimulate each of us to see our contemporary world.

  • Choreographer: Nadine Beaulieu
  • Performers: Tereza Hradilková, Jan Bárta, Kateřina Stupecká
  • Lighting design: Pavla Beranová, Vladimír Burian
  • Coproduction:  Prague City Gallery and SE.S.TA Centre for choreografic development

Premiere – 19 May 2016 at 6 p.m. First performance – 22 May 2016 at 3:30 p.m. Second performance – 22 May 2016 at 6 p.m.

Free admission with the valid exhibition ticket.

Prague City GalleryMK ČRHl. m. Praha