The obscurity as darkness, queerness, invisibility ...

Chateau Žďár nad Sázavou
25th – 31st March 2019

The baroque castle located in Žďár nad Sázavou in Czech republic offers also this year a one week long interdisciplinary residency for artists, scientist, architects, writers, philosophers, thinkers… The residency provides the time and space for joint research in dialogue by sharing problems, questions, confronting other ways of thinking and searching for new modes of work’s development. This year we will search for and research in the Obscurity.

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Moving in time as plants having a different pace and rhythm which we usually disregard. Moving in space of nets, nests, hollows, corners, tunnels, caves, cellars, undergrounds. Moving the body whose nail felt down because the tongue was growing under it. Wondering through the mirrored strip of landscape, transparent culture is failing again. Constant enlightenment blinds us. We are looking for obscurity. We occult our insomnia. In order to obscure the journey we will meander in labyrinth of circles within circles by spiralling the time.

We are opening the call for people who would be interested to share their research in interdisciplinary dialogue with invited lectures and participants during the one week long residency in the baroque castle in Czech republic.

Watch our video from last year’s residence.

Introduction: Introduction of work, ideas and visions connected to the topic of residence to other participants.

Main program: Creative workshops focusing on exploring, creating and discussion in groups, developing own concepts, search for definitions and answers.

Accompanying program: Visit to the Museum of New Generation, chateau of Žďár nad Sázavou and other inspirational places, every morning a lesson of the Feldenkrais method (Feldenkrais method of somatic education is a world-renowned holistic approach using movement as a source for learning processes.).

Conclusion: Final presentation, discussion, its form will be chosen based on the specific development of the creative process within the residence.

SE.S.TA ensures for selected artists: 

/ residential spaces including accommodation and meals/ contribution to travel expenses up to 80 €/ person for foreign participants/ at the end of the residence an opportunity of public presentation – moderated round table