Kathy Casey (CA), Ana Dubljevic (RS), Marie Kinsky (CZ/FR), Zuzana Žabková (SK)

Prague I Studio ALTA
22.–28. 8. 2019

Summer morning meetings with coaches of Coaching Residencies for Choreographers and other guests are open to all dance enthusiasts. Come to stretch, dance and try different techniques. Another trainer leads the class every day so you can try several styles during the one week. Book your place online.

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Open classes are part of the accompanying program of Coaching Residencies for Choreographers. Invited coaches are always outstanding foreign artists, and the trainings are an exceptional opportunity to try their way of working with the body, movement, with space.

Trainings take place every day from 9:30 am to 11 am.

The schedule of trainings and teachers follows. 

Participants 2019


/ Elena Iachininoto (NL)/ Johana Pocková, Pocketart (CZ)/ Laura Brechmann, with Collaborators: Marlene Ruther, Giulio Hesse (DE)/ Tomáš Janypka (SK/CZ)/ Sara Bocchini (IT)

Schedule of teachers

22 August: Kathy Casey (CA)23 August: Marie Kinsky (FR/CZ)24 August: Zuzana Žabková (SK/CZ)25 August: Marie Kinsky (FR/CZ)26 August: Kathy Casey (CA)27 August: Ana Dubljevic (RS)28 August: Zuzana Žabková

Kathy Casey: Shibari ConsentKathy Casey’s current practice focuses on the Japonese bondage technique Shibari. Through discussion and practical exercises with ropes, her open morning class will touch on analysis of partner intimacy and methods of obtaining consent.Valentina Desideri: Fake Therapy and Political TherapyComing from a background in postcolonial and feminist theory, Valentina Desideri has created the practices Fake Therapy and Political Therapy to explore possible solutions for addressing our current Anthropocene political state through magic and the fiction of healing.

Zuzana Žabková: Guide, Observer and Poet Zuzana Žabková researches techniques which facilitate changes in states of consciousness (including trance states) alongside the creation of poetry. This work is informed by Pauline Oliveros’s Deep Listening, butoh-fu (Butoh’s poetic form of notation) and the melancholy of black metal. Her open morning class will include work with song and sound-making, created through the voice in movement.

Marie Kinsky: Feldenkrais methodA world-renowned holistic approach, the Feldenkrais Method uses movement as a means to facilitate a learning process. The Feldenkrais Method is intended for anyone who wants to discover a new quality in movement and in life, regardless of age or physical condition. Led by Marie Kinksy, who has practiced the method for many years, classes are open to professional dancers as well as the general public.

Book your place online.

Price: 180,- CZK/class

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