Work in progress

Žďár nad Sázavou I Batyskaf
21. 5. 2019 I 19:00

Choreographic studio is the Artistic Residency Program which invites all artists working within the field of dance and performing arts in the baroque Castle in Žďár nad Sázavou and offers a place to develop their ongoing projects. At the end of each Choreographic studio residency artists present their work in progress to the local public in dialogue with invited artists, theoreticians and friends. These extraordinary events are established thanks to the cooperation between the Centre for choreographic development Se.s.ta, Residency program of the international centre for art Meetfactory in Prague, the Castle and the cultural hub - club Batyskaf in Žďár nad Sázavou.

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This time we invite you to join the presentation of the work in progress and dialogue between two artists René Alejandro Huari Mateus, columbian choreographer based in between Berlin and Frankfurt and artist Zuzana Žabková who will through their thinking dance practices analyse the notions on maternity, homosexuality and female stereotypes in queer culture. Discussion will be accompanied by excerpts from René’s actual ongoing project Sissiness in common interaction with the audience.

Work in progress presentation takes place in the club Batyskaf, nám. Republiky 2211/47, Žďár nad Sázavou 1, voluntary entrance fee.


The residency takes place at the Estate ve Ždáru nad Sázavou in cooperation with the international center of contemporary art Meetfactory in Prague. Work in progress is presented in cooperation spolupráci with Batyskaf


he residence takes place at the Castle in Ždár nad Sázavou in cooperation with the international center of contemporary art Meetfactory in Prague. Work in progress is presented in cooperation with Batyskaf.