Coaches: Kathy Casey (CA) a Ana Dubljevic (RS)

Prague I Studio ALTA
29. 8. 2019, 19:30

Work in Progress from international choreographic residencies under the guidance of experimented and world-renowned coaches.

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Choreographers come to the residencies with their own projects which they want to develop during the stay in cooperation with an experienced artist ("coach"). The goal of the residence is not forming of dancers, nor the aesthetic aspect of the expression, but gaining new points of view on own creative work, space and possibility to deepen its individual elements or to seek new ways of expressing artistic intention. The whole residence has the form of a dialogue of choreographers and coaches who direct them.

The participating choreographers use as material for work within the residence projects they currently work on. The coaches will see the initial material on a previously sent video so that they could get to understand the choreographers‘ inner worlds and their ways of perception. During the residence, the participants analyze individual elements of the choreographies and define their content. In cooperation with their coaches they again identify the important things and new directions for development.

The residence take ten days and apart from intensive coaching of the choreographers it also included lecture afternoon and final Work in progress, presentations of the working process in the residence to public. The goal od Work in progress is not to present a final product or an individual choreography, but a stage of the creative process.

Work in Progress will takes place in Studio ALTA (U Výstaviště 21, Prague 7) and will include a lecteur of Viktor Čech:

"In recent years, the relationship between contemporary dance and contemporary visual art has seen a number of interactions on the world stage. The fine art scene in particular has rediscovered dance and choreography as stimulating approaches to work with human embodiment, social issues, etc. As was the case previously with the somewhat older wave of “conceptual dance”, these generally lead to fruitful contributions to the perception of the human body, movement and societal structures, which can, in turn, serve as provocations for much of the dance community, however fragmented into different schools of thought."


Participants 2019

/ Elena Iachininoto (NL)/ Johana Pocková, Pocketart (CZ)/ Laura Brechmann, with Collaborators: Marlene Ruther, Giulio Hesse (DE)/ Tomáš Janypka (SK/CZ)/ Sara Bocchini (IT)


Incooperation with Studio ALTA, Národní galerie Praha, Studio Hrdinů a Artual


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