22. - 28. 8. 2014 / Prague
Given by experienced foreign choreographers: Béatrice Massin and Jean-Christophe Paré!
26. – 27. 4. 2014 / Prague, HAMU
The workshop is open to professional dancers, choreographers, dance students and dance teachers. An experienced choreographer and dancer Paco Decina is returning to Prague after 3 years, do not miss this opportunity!
3.–6. 4. 2014 / Prague, theatre Ponec
An atelier designed for dance critics, theoreticians, choreographers, dancers as well as the general public.
2014-2017 Žďár nad Sázavou
Centre for Choreografic Developement SESTA is supporting in the frame of this Residential program creative projects and projects of research in the field of Dance and other Arts.
February - October 2014
In 2014 we are preparing for you
A rich offer of educational programs in 2014 – traineeships, workshops, residential workshops with coaching... for dancers, pedagogues, choreographers, dance critics and other professionals in the dance field.
November 18th - 19th, 2013 from 2:15 to 3:45 PM / Prague
Feldenkrais method is a special somatic technique that increases self-awareness of the body and through sensomotorics it also enhances its discriminatory and functional abilities. Deepening of conscious work with your body can raise your dance to a new level...
28. 2.- 2. 3. 2014 / Prague
The three day seminar led by Sophie Billy (FR), Carlo Locatelli (IT/FR) and Jiří Lössl (CZ) focused on sharing experiences, practical physical workshops, and confronting various pedagogical models.
5. 7. 2014 / Žďár nad Sázavou
Do not let the event of the year in Vysočina (Czech Highlands) slip by this time and make sure Saturday 5 July is marked in your diary for the KoresponDance 2014 festival! Last year’s International festival of dance and theatre KoresponDance has probably remained...
1st March, 2014, 19:30 pm / Praha, studio ALTA
By using dance and words, Carlo Locatelli, the Italian choreographer and dance teacher based in France, presents a body as a tool of everyday life and through its anatomy he explores the nature and identity of a human being.
1st February 2014 / Prague, Veletržní palác
Come and make Veletržní palác, the gallery of contemporary art, dance. Celebrate the Prague’s National Gallery birthday! Our performers inspired by Jan Kotik’s exhibition are going to lead you to get the Veletržní palác in motion.
2014 / Prague
Music by Iannis Xenakis performed live by the prestigious PERCUSSIONS DE STRASBOURG
Choreography by Alban Richard interpreted by Ensemble l ´abrupt
When – November 2014 as part of the project Dance in the Gallery
At Veletržní palác at the National Gallery in Prague
This pilot cycle of interdisciplinary collaboration between dance and fine arts came about in 2012 based on collaborations between SE.S.TA, National Gallery in Prague, and Wannieck Gallery in Brno. It is based on the belief that this collaboration is very beneficial and mutually enriching for the development of both fields and our institutions. It bring new impulses many needed areas such as working with visitors / viewers, for whom we are making available new ways of perceiving and realizing, not merely luring them to the gallery for an unusual experience.
24. 2. 2014 / Prague
for the upcoming Czech version of a scenic lecture by Carlo Locatelli (FR / IT) on the subject: The Anatomy of the Body in Motion
3.–6. 4. 2014 / Prague, theatre Ponec
An atelier designed for dance critics, theoreticians, choreographers, dancers as well as the general public.
Celoroční činnost SE.S.TA je podporována Ministerstvem kultury ČR, Magistrátem hlavního města Prahy a společností Veolia ČR.