A living society is
creative society

More about se.s.ta

Happening now


Milán (IT), Forlì (IT), Padova (IT), Catania (IT), Turín (IT), Žďár nad Sázavou (CZ), Bratislava (SK), Jeruzalém (IL), Almada (PT), Bolzano (IT)
Johana Pocková
Johana Pocková
Agáta Jarošová

Associate artists

Selected Associate Artists receive long-term care and service from SE.S.TA, including management and marketing advice.

We thank all of the makers and artists – whether performers or teachers – with whom we have had the chance to collaborate, on both long- and short-term bases. We are proud of our collaborations.

Artists and collaborators

Internationally projects and collaborations

In collaboration with almost 30 international partners, we contribute to the development of the movement arts at an international level. We are currently involved in the following projects and networks:

Festival Korespondance

International Festival of Contemporary Dance, New Circus and Physical Theatre
10–13 Jul 2025, Žďár nad Sázavou
June–July, Jihlava, Nové Město na Moravě, Velké Meziříčí

Since 2008, we have organised the KoresponDance International Festival of Contemporary Dance, New Circus and Physical Theatre. We focus on site-specific projects, the intersection of artworks with architecture and collaboration with local communities. KoresponDance brings unforgettable experiences to the Žďár Estate, always in the second weekend in July. An introductory program takes place in Prague in June and, from 2024, in Nové Město na Moravě. The family atmosphere draws thousands of visitors to the Estate each year. Come and experience it for yourself!



We thank our partners from different areas, field and regions.

All partners