Detached Gestures
Six questions for Cluster Resident Silvie Kudelová
ZZ: What was the main topic of the research or the creation during your Residency?
SK: During the Residency I was focusing my research on movement vocabulary for the upcoming solo. I have created set of movements and gestures as a reflection on the topic of detachement and estrangement, which we encouter as individuals in our society.
ZZ: What for a method you have chosen for your research or your creation?
SK: In the course of the Residency I was following the research I have started beforehand which was concentrated on the creation of the movement material for the solo. This material was then later analysed in details This discovered material served as a basis for my later improvisations during the Residency from which I was again picking up the material for later work on solo.
ZZ: What for a body you have chosen? Were you working on the solo or group study or piece? In witch context? Are you interested in interdisciplinary collaboration?
SK: As I have already mentioned, I was wokring on my solo performance. My task was to develop and grasp the choreographic method and the concept itself.
ZZ: In which phase of the process you have entered this Residency?
SK: During the Residency I was working on the prefinal phase of my project. All the other components where already established and the topic was clearly develope within the movement material. The main focus was put on choreography and the method I will work on in detail.
ZZ: How did you like the work in the Castle, was the place inspiring for you?
SK: I really appreciate the working conditions in the castle. It was not my first artistic project in this place, and exatly for this reason that the environement of the castle was familiar to me I could spend these days fully focused and concentrated on my work.
ZZ: Was the frame of Cluster residency interesting from the networking perspective for you?
SK: I was very happy to share the space for rehearsals and accomodation with my friends, who were chosen for this Cluster Residency. I found also important to confrontate my work with audience during the work in process showing in the castle and I was thankful for the fruitful discussion about our creations and proces of working afterwards. The feedback I’ve got was very inspiring for my following work.