For the public: We connect audiences and artists
Each of us has different life experiences, but we share a common vision and values: an interest in art and all the things we share. We offer unique artistic experiences throughout Czechia, in Prague and, above all, in Žďár nad Sázavou, where we organise the KoresponDance Festival and are currently building the Cultural and Creative Centre Vysočina.

Come take a look
We invite you to join us for a performance, or a presentation and extract from a “work in progress” that offers a glimpse behind the scenes of artists at work. Art can offer inspiration at any stage of life. Still uncertain that art has the power to transform lives? Join us and see for yourself!

Encounters with artists
The freedom to ask questions: performances are followed by moderated discussions with the artists. Are you interested in the inspiration behind the creation of a specific work or the different steps of the creative process? If so, you won’t want to miss our Choreographic Cafes and Choreographic Fora.
Choreographic Forum 2024
The Choreographic Forum is a moderated interdisciplinary discourse among experts, professionals, and enthusiasts in contemporary art. The rise of unconventional and participatory forms in performing arts opens up the question of how artists think about the role of general public as well as their own role while preparing or playing an artistic piece. Perhaps audience also strives to define its own role when attending a performance?

Get creative and take part
If you want to get involved in the creative process yourself, you can take part in community projects. You can also visit our workshops or regular lessons: it is not necessary to be a professional, all dancers are welcome. Dance is a pleasure at any age and level of experience. If you are looking for our programs for children, click here.
Připojte se! Tanec v galerii: A Fancy … nechte se aktivovat barokem
Zapojte se do uměleckého projektu, kde se prolnou kreativní pohyb, tanec a barokní umění s architekturou na Hradčanech.

Festival Korespondance
10–13 July, 2025, Žďár nad Sázavou
June–July, Jihlava a Nové Město na Moravě, Velké Meziříčí
Since 2008, we have organised the KoresponDance International Festival of Contemporary Dance, New Circus and Physical Theatre. We focus on site-specific projects, the intersection of artworks with architecture and collaboration with local communities. KoresponDance brings unforgettable experiences to the Žďár Estate, always in the second weekend in July. An introductory program takes place in Prague in June and, from 2024, in Nové Město na Moravě. The family atmosphere draws thousands of visitors to the Estate each year. Come and experience it for yourself!

SE.S.TA blog
What we have for school kids
Get to know the artists
Browse the artists and other movement arts experts that we have already collaborated with.